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  • SPARK by John J. Ratey, MD

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

OAHPERD Convention - December 2-3, 2010

Along with Gretchen and Jen, I also attended several workshops at the OAHPERD Convention...
1. Dancing with the Stars:
All I can say is WOW! This session was led by LeAnn Haggard the 2006 National Dance Teacher of the Year. I realized how un-coordinated I am when it comes to dancing. We learned several line dances and her music was amazing! This session was geared more for Middle & High School students!
2. Updates in Physical Education:
This session was led by Lisa Henry from the Ohio Dept. of Ed. She went over the DRAFT of the Ohio Physical Education Assessments. I feel that the assessments are closely related to what we all do now! I will make a copy for everyone for our meeting on Tuesday!
3. Get JUMPING! Jump Rope, JRHF & HFH Activities:
This session was led by teachers from the Olentangy Local School District. They taught the BASICS of jump rope, a jump/jog warm up activity and fun activities to play that teach jump rope (4-Square, Tic-Tac-Toe and Jump Rope BINGO).
4. OAHPERD Division Luncheon:
This session was ran by OAHPERD Leaders and focused on the political scene and the flex credits. This was an open session for teachers to come and go!
5. Free-Throw Shooting Contest:
Sponsored by the AHA... I helped a fellow PE Teacher run this 2 hour session. Participants had 10 chances to make as many free-throw shots as they could. The winner would re recognized at the AHA Social later that evening! A new, young, female teacher made 9 out of 10 shots!
6. $2,500 AAHPERD JRHF/HFH Grant!:
This session was ran by Sasha Taylor and Marla Thomas. Both have received this grant in the past 3 years and gave great insight on how to write the grant with meaning and WIN!!! I think I will apply for next year!!! :)
7. OAHPERD Awards Reception:
This was led by Stacey Slackford, Chair for the State of Ohio Awards Committee. The reception was to honor the PE, Health and Young Professionals of the Year in the State of Ohio!
8. Using the Zone Playground Model to Increase Indoor & Outdoor Physical Activity:
The session was led by retired PE teacher Lois Carnes from Solon City Schools. This model addresses the need for children to increase physical activity levels both outdoors and indoors within the school setting. We have been using this model at Miller in a very scaled down version!
9. Game On: Active Games for Elementary Children:
As Gretchen said in her posting.... She and I presented with a core group of teachers during a 2 hour session. We focused on the specific Standards and Assessments that we use for each activity. This session was very hands-on and the participants went away with several new games/activities to use in their classroom.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OAHPERD Convention

Attended several informative sessions at the convention.
1. Assessing standards 5 and 6 at the secondary level.
During this session we piloted the new rubric draft. Participants observed and participated in an ultimate Frisbee lesson as well as a dance lesson. During the observation we scored the 'players' using the new rubrics drafted by the assessment committee. At the end of the demonstration we discussed ease of use, difficulties and had questions answered by the developers.
2.Knock It Outta Da Park
SPARK PE lessons to keep kids moving. Broke down throwing and catch in small groups. Participated in fielding, striking, plays at first and third as well as cardio baseball. Very intense lessons that got the heart beating. Can be adapted to any grade or skill level.
3. Get SMART: Digital Resources in Physical Education.
Explored SMART Board lessons for PE. Demonstration of how lessons can be used to enhance the cognitive aspect of physical education. Also demonstrated target practice AT the SMART board. Yes we through balls at the SMART boards to unlock PE trivia.
4. Create Your Own Dream Routine
Explored simple sports routines that enhanced physical fitness levels during small sided games. Simple changes of the rules keeps students on their toes and actively involved during the lesson. Most routines were for the secondary level sports.
5. Jump Into Having "Phun" with Your Students
Explored how a "PHYT" club can be started and how one school uses their PHYT club to keep students active in the community. Students earn points toward Phyt club field trips through participation in pre-planned events, eating nutritious meals and mentoring younger students.
6. GAME On: Active Games for Elementary Children with assessment criteria.
Stacey, I, and a small group of professional colleagues presented lessons during this 2 hour session and answered questions related to assessment procedures and lesson implementation. The feedback we received at the end of the session was great. Participants stated it was one of the best they had been to and was extremely informative. We were supported by KSU professor Dr. Collier who reinforced the need for assessments and the changes occurring at the state level.
7.Hip Hop Hype
Great dance routines that are simple and extremely aerobic. So many attended that I was unable to get a handout. Dr. Mitchell will be forwarding the info to me. There is also a music CD that I'm looking into.
8. John Hichwa- Elite Trainer (SPARK)
At the end of one of his sessions I asked if he would review a dance he taught several years ago. Not only did he re-teach the dance he sent his entire packet to me. I will forward it to all of you. Extremely easy and fitness oriented.
9. OAHPERD Division Lunch (TH) and Coffee with OAHPERD Update (Friday)
OAHPERD leaders discussed the political scene and the changes that have occurred at the state level. The discussion centered on the bigger picture. Although there is still the opt out and flex credit options for students the team leaders discussed how far we have come as a group.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hello All -

I just wanted to share a couple of things I learned or heard about at the OAHPERD convention on Friday (before I forgot). I am sure that we will discuss them more at our next meeting!

1. I went to an assessment session that provided us with copies of current assessments that Urbana Schools are using - they rewrote their curriculum last year. They also discussed the assessments that are currently being written to coordinate with the state standards. I think this is something worth discussing as we write our curriculum and is timed perfectly as we develop and discuss our grading practices. The one assessment that I was most impressed with was one that dealt/assessed Standard 6 - which I think we discussed last time is hard not only to incorporate, but how do we know we are accomplishing it? They also discussed how they use Fitnessgram for grades - I think it will be interesting to hear what you think about their methods!

2. I know a couple of meetings ago, Mr. Bennett asked us about the "career piece" and I went to another breakout session called "More than Stop, Drop, and Roll" - which was all about how fitness was needed in certain careers. Dr. Wetzel, from Miami University, demonstrated how something like the "Firefighter Combat Challenge" - a real test/competition - could translate into a lesson and challenge for PE students.

3. Finally, I went to a session called "Everybody Dance" about integrating dance into your PE classroom. They provided me with a CD of edited and appropriate music for line dances and group dances and also directions - if anyone is interested.

See you Dec. 14th!