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  • SPARK by John J. Ratey, MD

Friday, November 12, 2010

An Apple a Day is Not Enough - A Poem by Taylor Mali

1 in 5 youth is now considered obese. And because everyone has a stake in the health of our children, we are all responsible for making a change.

If you care about children’s health and know the importance of health education in our schools, we need you to do two things right now:

1. Watch This Video: “An Apple a Day Is Not Enough” is a powerful poem written and performed by Taylor Mali (a well-known spoken word artist and teacher) about the importance of health education.

2. Share This Video: Forward it, blog about it, like it on Facebook, Tweet it.

We must get the word out about the importance of health education and its ability to get this country’s health back on track—but we can’t do it alone. Please help us spread the message—our country depends on it.

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